
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Introduction to Question #5

The final exam question that I selected deals with the theories regarding long-term memory, schemas and scripts, and semantic memory and how they influence each other.
In an attempt to help provide some background information, I will discus each component separately and try to provide you with personal examples, pictures, and hyperlinks to further help us understand the concepts presented.
First, let us look at how information enters our brain and therefore transfers from our short-term memory into our long-term memory. This presentation of memory is based on the computer model of memory. This is why there is three registers of memory.

As you can see, stimulus from the environment enters through our sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose, and touch). Our perceptions of this stimuli is then processed into our sensory memory and what we have paid attention to is then passed into our short-term memory. It is through repetition and the encoding process that the information is then passed through to our long-term memory.
"If only it was this easy"


  • Good introduction.
    Perhaps you can mention here that in your presentation of memory theory you use the computer model, and that is why you present three registers of the memory.

    By Blogger Ed Psy Topics, at 4:50 PM PDT  

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